The current tree preservation requirement for developers is 10-12%Other municipalities in Wake County have up to a 30% requirementWe believe Garner should meet or exceed 30% in the UDO re-write process that is happening now

Information and Documents

Town Council Meeting Information

Garner residents are allowed up to 3 minutes to speak during the public comments section of the meeting.We encourage those who feel strongly about this initiative, and are comfortable doing so, to speak at the next meeting. The form is at the bottom of the Garner Town Council page.

Comments from the March 16th Town Council meeting

What Folks Are Saying

Below are some of the comments Garner residents included with their signature.Add your voice and let the town know why you want to preserve Garner's trees.

"Development and nature MUST be valued in equal measure. Please keep Garner green!"

"Clear cutting to make room for housing may make it easier for developers but it is ruining the aesthetics of our town."

"We moved to Garner from Arizona because we loved the feeing of being on the country, surrounded by mature trees! In the 2 years since we moved in we’ve watched acres of trees being torn down all around us. It’s heartbreaking. They trees they plant as replacements will take decades to grow into anything like the natural ones that are already here! Just because bulldozing them makes it easier for the developers doesn’t make it right."

"Watching the trees get removed wholesale on Ackerman has been so disheartening."

"While I am very much pro expansion. It needs to be done responsibly and keeping with the rural nature of the town we love."

"Garner is such a hidden gem, and bringing more people here does have benefits, but must be done responsibly."

"We need more trees left up for habitat for animals and more green space for new neighborhoods, other than just a token dog park."